Building Regulations For Windows

Building Regulations for Windows

What Exactly Are they and How Can One Comply With Them?

It is imperative that you have a solid understanding of building laws if you wish to avoid infringing on any of the rules that govern building and safety regulations. It is especially important to follow these guidelines if you are a landlord, if you live in a rented property, or if you are renting out a property.

Building regulations include provisions for regulating windows as well, and these provisions cover a wide range of topics, including thermal efficiency and air supply, as well as safety, escape access, and ventilation. As a company that instals customised sash windows in London, we believe that it is our job to give our clients with knowledge regarding the various building requirements that pertain to windows.

In the following, we have laid out in full the regulations and provisions that must be followed to in order to safeguard not only your own safety but also that of your tenants.

Repairing your sash windows to their former glory is much more cost effective than installing new windows that are not needed.

Repairing your windows is a sustainable option through removing drafts, boosting heat and reducing energy bills.

Repairs positively impact the surrounding architecture by utilising original features and repairing as per design.

Replacing is by far the best choice to conserve your home’s original features and ensures no loss of character.

The Window Regulations

Fire Safety

It is important to take into account both the escape routes and the places that are not protected:

Unprotected areas: in the event of external doors and windows, it’s likely that they will have to be fire resistant. What this means is that the doors must swing shut (self-closing), and windows must be secured, in order to ensure that the spread of fire is considerably restricted.

Escape routes: in accordance with all building rules for windows, you are required to guarantee that fire escape windows have an unobstructed aperture of at least 0.33 square metres and a minimum dimension of 450 millimetres in either the height or the breadth.

If the windows on your property open outward from one side alone, then the frame width of those windows must be at least 610 millimetres. A side-opening window with two panes must have a minimum width of 595 millimetres in order to meet the requirements.

Safeguarding against the dangers of Falls, Bumps, and Collisions

This window rule, which has a name that implies what it does, takes into account the safety precautions that are in place to avoid falling, impact, and collision. When it comes to windows, you need to make sure that areas are less than 880 millimetres away from FFL. According to the British Standard BS6180, this indicates that the windows (which effectively serve as a barrier between the interior of your home and the exterior of your home) are strong enough to withstand the impact forces that may be applied to them.

To enter buildings

Although this law is mainly focused on doors, it is still an issue that has to be addressed. Building laws guarantee that there is easy access into and out of the property. Doors must have a minimum 775mm opening and a step no greater than 15mm. To make sure you are in compliance with the access laws, it is crucial to determine the size of your door. The main goal of this rule is to guarantee that people with disabilities can enter the building quickly and easily.


Simply put, although this is a somewhat more recent addition to the list, it is still highly significant. On October 1st, 2015, it went into effect and requires that properties have a certain level of security. According to the requirements, doors and windows must be able to withstand a burglar’s physical assault.

The home must consequently have professionally installed doors and windows that can offer a sufficient level of security. To ensure longevity and a good return on investment, Savoy Sash Windows Ltd. always uses the best materials when manufacturing all doors and windows.

Safety glazing

If any glass is in a critical area, it should be glazed to ensure the spread of any potential fires are reduced. As mentioned above, an unobstructed openable area (such as a window) should have at least 0.33 square metres and a 450mm high/wide opening.


There are ventilation rules that must be adhered to regarding windows. Depending on the use of the window and where it’s located, ventilation rules will differ. For example, windows featured in kitchens and bathrooms (where the rooms may be steamy) should see greater ventilation systems put in place. This can be done in the form of fans, windows and other openings. Put simply, the more a room encounters steam, the more ventilation it requires.

Energy Savings

Be aware that all replacement windows and doors must now adhere to the same standards as brand-new windows and doors if you’re thinking about having them installed. Below, we’ve listed the conditions that must be satisfied:

WER Band C Doors have a U value of 1.8 W/m2.K while UPVC Windows have a U value of 1.6 W/m2.K.
Keep in mind that the U values are determined for the entire unit (both glazing and frame).

To enter buildings

Although this law is mainly focused on doors, it is still an issue that has to be addressed. Building laws guarantee that there is easy access into and out of the property. Doors must have a minimum 775mm opening and a step no greater than 15mm. To make sure you are in compliance with the access laws, it is crucial to determine the size of your door. The main goal of this rule is to guarantee that people with disabilities can enter the building quickly and easily.

Your property: Is it secure?

The design, production, and installation of long-lasting, robust, and aesthetically attractive doors and windows around London is a specialty of our team at Savoy Sash Windows Ltd. We can assist you whether you need new windows and doors because of physical damage or general wear and tear, are remodelling your home and looking for lovely bi-fold doors or sash windows, or both.
View our product selection on our navigation menu to learn more about our extensive selection of windows and doors. You can be confident that we have the ideal windows and doors for your house because every window and door is made to order. You will receive many guarantees after purchasing your windows or doors to assure protection and longevity of your products.

Contact our staff now to secure your home.
